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CA moving in vs out

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February 1, 2013 under Moving Companies

Answered by Jenna Farmer

April 17, 2013

Maybe you're from California and are looking into moving to a different state, or maybe you relocated to California and are having second thoughts on staying, or maybe you just want to know how California stacks up in terms of population to the rest of the country.

Moving into California

Many young hopefuls used to pack up their bags and their dreams and head to tinsel town to become the next big thing. It isn't quite that way anymore. The population in certain cities is increasing, just not so much for the 20-somethings crowd, because the cost of living in most places in California is pretty high. Some entry-level salaries cannot support it. In 2010, California was declared the most populous state in the country, but 11th in terms of population density (approximately 240 people per square mile).

You can find out more information on living in cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Anaheim, Oakland,San Diego and San Jose here at Movers.com.

If you're moving into California and need a moving service, you can start by getting a free quote at Movers.com. You should also check our guides on planning for a long distance move and the most affordable way to move long distance.

Moving out of California

If you're leaving the Golden State, you will probably see a drop in your living costs, unless you move to an expensive metropolitan area like New York. Again, you can start your moving process by getting a free quote here at Movers.com and check back to some of our guides on moving out of state, and tips on deciding where to move. According to the Census Bureau, 100,000 more people left California than moved in during 2011. Most of these people end up migrating toTexas, Arizona, Nevada, Washington and Oregon.

For moves between state lines/ long distance moves, it is important to remember you are charged based on the weight of your belongings, and how far you'll need to move. If you plan to move cross-country, check out some of our moving tips before you hire your moving company.

Whether you're leaving California or entering, we'd like to hear about your moving experience! Be sure to leave a moving review once you're all unpacked and ready to begin the next chapter of your life.

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