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How to Tell if a Neighborhood is Safe

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April 9, 2013 under Others

How to choose a neighborhood before moving?

Answered by Staff Writer

April 16, 2013

You may be able to place a value on your new home, but you cannot put a price on neighborhood safety. When moving to a new location with your family, it is of the utmost importance to research the residential area before you make any property purchase.

Researching the Residential Area

Picking a safe neighborhood is primarily based on researching the area crime ratings. The closer you are to a high-crime area, the more likely you are to run into trouble. There are several ways to investigate area crime to help you determine whether or not a prospective neighborhood is for you and your family.

Depending on what area of North America you are relocating to will greatly affect how safe of a neighborhood you will reside in. One should not assume that living in a heavy populated city is necessarily safer than dwelling in a less dense, small suburb. Studying state crime ratings and comparing community safety across the board is the best way to decide if your new dwelling resides in a safe region.

Security Systems and Neighborhood Watch Programs

No matter where you move, it is wise to have a security system installed in your new home. Even if the neighborhood is considered safe, you never know if an intruder will attempt to enter your house. Another way to keep out of harm's way is to join or start a Neighborhood Watch Program in your new residential area. Started in 1972 and sponsored by the National Sheriff's Association, the specific crime prevention program promotes relationships between residents and law enforcement in an effort to keep crime out of communities.

To get an idea of the moving costs needed to relocate to a safe neighborhood, visit Movers.com for more information. Once you are nestled safe and sound in your new neighborhood, please take a moment to review the moving company you used to relocate to your new residence.  


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