Chanukah Music -

Chanukah Music

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Chanukah is a holiday that has been around for quite some time. As a result, there is a pretty significant amount of music that is related to the celebration. Some of the traditional tunes are centuries old, and Jewish artists continue to write new songs all the time. The following is a list of the most commonly heard Chanukah-related songs.

"Haneirot Halalu" - A hymn traditionally recited after the candles on the menorah are lit.

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"Ma'oz Tzur" - This Jewish poem is sung on the festival of lights. Usually the first and last stanzas are the only ones sung, as they pertain most directly to the holiday.

"Oh, Chanukah" - "Oy Chanukah" is a traditional Yiddish song, and this is the English-language version of it. It is an upbeat tune, generally sung and enjoyed by children.

"Ner Rishon" - A song about lighting the menorah.

"Mi Y'malel" - Translated as "Who Can Retell?" from the Hebrew, this is a very well-known Chanukah song that has an English version as well.

"Sevivon" - This is a popular Hebrew Chanukah song; its name means "dreidel."

"I Have a Little Dreidel" - One of the most recognizable Chanukah songs to American ears, this is a simple children's song with a bouncy melody.

"Light One Candle" - Peter, Paul, and Mary recorded this composition (written by their own Peter Yarrow) in 1983. This modern Chanukah tune is empowering and encouraging.

"The Chanukah Song" - Comedian Adam Sandler has recorded many versions of this humorous tune, which gets significant airplay around the holiday season. Every one lists Jewish celebrities and discusses what it is like being a kid celebrating Chanukah.

Music has always been a way to stay connected to culture and history. Chanukah's rich traditions of celebration and remembrance have served it well, providing a wealth of music already, and surely more to come.

Patrick Hanan  Posted by Patrick Hanan on December 16, 2009

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