Spooky Urban Legends - Movers.com

Spooky Urban Legends

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For those who don’t know, urban legends are stories that get passed along by word of mouth or, more recently, the Internet. They are usually told by teens to their friends and younger siblings, but anyone can tell them and get spooked. Though they always have limited details (many start out with, “One time, my friend’s uncle’s neighbor…”) and are hard to prove or disprove, urban legends have lasting, widespread appeal.

Urban legends and Halloween go hand in hand. While there are some urban legends that deal specifically with the holiday, others are just generally creepy. Either way, no Halloween celebration is complete without hearing some scary stories. That being said, here are some of the best Halloween urban legends:

Tampered-with Treats

Everyone knows that they’re not supposed to give out unpackaged items to trick-or-treaters. At the same time, parents usually inspect all of their kids’ treats for any unwrapped items or signs of foul play. This is all due to the rumors of children receiving apples with pins or razor blades hidden inside. While this may have happened in the past, there haven’t been that many proven cases of it at all. In fact, many of the instances where a child supposedly found a foreign object in an apple were actually the result of a kid wanting attention or playing a trick on his or her parents.

Messing with Bloody Mary

Another long-standing urban legend revolves around Bloody Mary, the ghostly inhabitant of your bathroom mirror. As the story goes, you can summon up Bloody Mary by going into the bathroom, turning off the lights, looking in the mirror, and chanting “Bloody Mary” three times. According to the various versions, you might see the image of woman with blood on her face in the mirror, you might end up with scratches all over your body, or the mirror might shatter. As ridiculous as the story may be, it continues to play on our fears that something might actually happen.

Realistic Halloween Decorations

There are many stories that involve someone committing suicide by hanging themselves from a tree around Halloween. Unsuspecting neighbors and passersby assume the swinging corpse is just another decoration. It isn’t until the body starts to smell or attract vermin that people notice something is wrong and discover that the decoration didn’t come from any Wal-Mart. Sadly, there have been a couple cases of this urban legend actually happening.

Getting into Character

Along that same vein, another urban legend deals with a person who is part of a Halloween play. The actor is supposed to put a noose around his or her neck and act out a fake hanging. Unfortunately, something goes wrong with the prop noose, and the person really dies. Again, this story is based on actual unfortunate events.

Killing Cats

There is an unfounded rumor that pet stores and animal shelters see an increase in demand for black cats, Halloween’s unofficial mascot. The reason being is that satanic worshipers and convents of witches stock up on the animals to perform sacrifices in honor of the devil. While bored teenagers may be more likely to harm cats, this urban legend certainly has some steam to it – many animal shelters won’t let people adopt cats in the weeks before Halloween.

The Hook

This next urban legend has been around for quite some time. Though there are many versions, the basic concept is that two kids take a drive out to a secluded spot for some romantic escapades. They hear on the radio how a murderer with a hook in place of a hand escaped from an insane asylum down the road. The girl gets scared and demands that the guy drive her home. The guy, disappointed that the night ends so soon, reluctantly obeys. Upon arriving at the girl’s house, they get out of the car and see a hook dangling from the door handle. While this story has been around for a long time, it is still as chilling and unsettling as ever.

Drugged Tattoos

Here is another urban legend that plays on parents’ fears over the safety of their children. The rumor asserts that some messed-up people give their trick-or-treaters temporary tattoos laced with LSD or some kind of poison. Upon applying the tattoos, the substance will be absorbed through the skin, causing the children to hallucinate or experience something worse. As disturbing as this may be, the fears are unfounded. There has never been any proof of this type of thing taking place.

The Itchy Wig

This last urban legend, though creepy, has a somewhat humorous story. Supposedly a young woman decides to dress as a witch for a Halloween party. She goes to the costume store and buys a black wig. At some point at the party, her head starts to feel really itchy. She then removes the wig, only to find a large spider with hundreds of baby spiders crawling all over her hair.

Alex Seise  Posted by Alex Seise on October 16, 2009

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