Cabinets -


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Installing new cabinets can give your kitchen a completely fresh new look. Fortunately, you can take this project on yourself, save some money, and have fun while doing it. First, choose the design, the type of wood, and the hardware you want, and paint them if necessary. After you've done that, read this guide to see how simple installing them in your kitchen can be.

How to Install Cabinets

Before you start making any screw holes or marking things down on the wall, check to make sure it is level. Use a long straight edge to see if you'll run into any problems as you put the cabinets up. Mark any problem areas with a pencil to take care of later with shims. If the uneven wall is a big problem, you can use a scribe rail to install the cabinets too.

TIP: If your cabinets come unassembled, assemble them according to the manufacturer's instructions, but leave the doors off until you've finished mounting them to the wall.

The cabinets should be fastened to wall studs, as they will need a lot of support once you fill them with dishware or food. Use a stud finder to figure out where you can install them on the wall, and screw at least 1 1/2 inches through the support rails in the cabinets and into the studs. Use at least three screws.

Another thing to keep in mind is that your first cabinet will set the positioning for the rest of them, since you'll be aligning everything with that as your guide. Make sure you install the first cabinet as level and plumb as you can get it to avoid a messy-looking finished product. Once you've done all that, you can put the doors on and start putting your things back inside them. Take a look at your kitchen: do you recognize it? Probably not!

Adam Mandelbaum  Posted by Adam Mandelbaum on January 7, 2013

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