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How to Keep Insects and Pests Out of Your Garden

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Keeping pests out of your garden can become a full-time job. Pests and insects are a nuisance to any home gardener and they can wreak havoc on your crops. Here are some ways to keep them out of your garden this year.

Keeping insects out of the garden

This might seem like an impossible feat, but keeping harmful insects out of your garden is possible. Aphids and whiteflies can quickly damage roots, leaves and stems in your garden. They attack both indoor and outdoor plants, vegetables, herbs, trees and shrubs. Try a few of these tips to get rid of the ones plaguing your garden today.

  • Water - Sometimes just dousing the garden with a fine spray can be enough to knock them off of the plant. Be sure to get the underside of the leaves. Knocking them off can allow beneficial insects enough time to get their own foothold into your garden.
  • Soapy water - If water isn't enough to eliminate the insect problem, adding a bit of natural soap to a spray bottle can help get rid of the bugs. The fatty acids in the soap dissolve the outer coating on their shells, eventually killing them.
  • Pepper spray - Adding garlic and hot pepper into the soapy water mixture will make your plants taste less appealing to the insects in your garden. It's a simple way to increase the deterring power of the spray without adding toxic chemicals.

Using organic and natural sprays as a deterrent in your garden is an easy way to keep insects at bay. But there are some insects that are beneficial to have in your garden, by helping your soil or keeping other insects away. Do your best to make your garden inviting to beneficial insects with these tips.

  • Mulch - Using mulch not only increases the amount of moisture that your garden retains, but it is an inviting space for spiders which, if you remember from grade school, enjoy eating other bugs.
  • Birds - Bird feed attracts birds, who also enjoy eating bugs. You could also attract birds by growing some berry producing trees.
  • Plant flowers - Plants with pollen and nectar will attract ladybugs, who feed on aphids and other soft-bodied insects. These plants also attract other predatory bugs that can help control the insect population in your garden as well as diversify the eco-system in your backyard.

Keeping other pests out of your garden

Insects are annoying on their own, but sometimes, garden pests can come in the shape of small furry animals or even large furry animals - mainly deer and the occasional chipmunk, squirrel or other woodland creature. Try a few of these tips to keep other pests out of your garden beds:

  • Fences - The simplest solution is often the most effective. If you have a raised garden bed for your vegetables but deer keep coming and stealing your tomatoes, build a fence around the edge of your garden. They won't be able to reach in and eat your crops. It will also help keep out any smaller animals that can't really climb (like a neighbor's dog) who may not eat your crops, but dig them up.
  • Repellent sprays - Garden supply stores will sell scent repellents such as garlic clips, castor oil and predator urine that can be effective at keeping small animals away.
  • Pepper sprays - Because pepper is a natural irritant, the pepper spray you concocted for keeping insects away would likely also keep small animals away as well.

Ana M. Ferrer  Posted by Ana M. Ferrer on September 8, 2014

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