here you'll find all the moving reviews, ratings, complaints, and customer testimonials you'll ever need for Armstrong Relocation Local Movers. If you have used this moving company in the past and you wish to share your moving experience, Write a review on Armstrong Relocation Local Movers
Armstrong Relocation Local Movers 4400 Westinghouse Blvd Charlotte, NC 28273 USA
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Membership(s) & License Info.
Member of AMSA: YesMember of BBB: YesLicense Info: NCUC # 760Insurance: On file: $1,000,000Required: $750,000Year of Estd: 1/1/1957
Horrible Experience - Regret working ...
This was the worst moving experience I have ever had. The packers were careless and did not care about the quality of their work. They were rude and took frequent smoking breaks and found boxes where things had been dumped into the box. Did not make sure to get items on truck that were most critical. Packed multiple wardrobers half full. Lots of damage from their poor packing Read more
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