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Artistic Moving Inc.
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Artistic Moving Inc.

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Artistic Moving Inc.
7846 S. Garrison Ct
Littleton, CO 80128 USA

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License Info: HHG00311
Year of Estd: 1/1/2009

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Moving Services
Packing Services
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May 5, 2012


I am a well educated man especially in business. I have spent my career assessing businesses for their strengths and weaknesses and know what I am looking for when I find a winner. Winning doesn't always mean perfect through and through but being exceptional when something doesn't go exactly right and in the end far exceeding the request of the customer. Cody and Justin serviced my move. Cody is the owner and these gentlemen showed up in their standard black shirt and tie and then removed it after getting everything organized and hit the move hard. They were so quick to work and yet maintained a sense of joy in serving my needs as I was around the entire time. There was never a resentful face, they were so approachable and absolutely willing! I am personally willing to offer a referral for this company, Cody especially, and for Justin. They did a wonderful job in the move (we had 4 stops in the move!) and in the closing of my contract. I hope for the very best in success and continued wisdom in positioning Artistic Moving to compete in this industry with the best of them. I hope for Cody the direction and support he needs to get there. Moving is a hard one for anyone, even if for the purpose of doing so into a new dream home! It's a lot of work and Cody and his crew serve to make the experience a good one all along. This was a friend's move and I am convinced to have him move my entire home AND pack it in a few months. I am particular and will definitely be bac Read more

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