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PRS Moving & Storage
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PRS Moving & Storage

(3) Reviews

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PRS Moving & Storage
5035 Beach Rd
Medina, OH 44256 USA

Contact Info

Toll Free: 330-239-2000
Phone: 440-310-3285

Membership(s) & License Info.

License Info: US DOT # 1935102
PUCO# 501410HHG
Year of Estd: 1/1/2002

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Moving Services
Packing Services
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September 20, 2013

Wouldn't Recommend and Would NOT use ...

Nice men moving, owner was ill and was there, kinda. I just looked at my furniture after three weeks, it was moved into empty offices in my office suite, I am finally getting ready to move into my new apartment, and I need to buy some new furniture. If it was wood, it is scratched, dinged and molested. I called him and he immediately started off being defensive. They took apart tables and the screws are no where to be found. "I should have had blankets to wrap the stuff in while it was being stored." " I had someone on that end looking at the furntiure as it was brought in" He has the excuses but I wouldn't recommend him to anyone. Nobody touched this stuff after they put it in the rooms. Butchers! Read more

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February 6, 2013

Service could have been better

On the day of moving everything went well. They did pretty good job. After everything got done I went with them. There is one piece of furniture was missing and I tried to call them and left them a voice message. Nobody responded. I tried calling them a couple of times and nobody got back to me or return the calls back to me. So what I had to do is I had to drive like almost three hours to get that part, to buy the part all over. I had to wait for almost a week to purchase that part and assemble my bed frame. That was bad experience of the whole moving. I think the pricing was reasonable. It was snowing and everything. I think it was not bad. That day I moved it was snowing badly. i think I paid about $440 for four hours for three people. I was not too concerned about the price specially considering the bad weather. They were friendly and everything. I thought they did a pretty good job but it was not professional from their point of view to not respond to my voice mail. When I tried to call them and find out if they have my part. That is the part I was not too comfortable. Read more

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December 19, 2012

Embarrassing moving experience

The movers themselves were great, the sales men that I talked to was embarrassing, he should be fired. Firstly he cancelled the move four times and then when finally to move with it, he called me probably four or five times and trying to get more money out of me during the move. He said oh we are longer than what it should be and it was harder than what's we thought its going to be and my guys spent more time there. He tried to nickle and dime me and I said he had a set price and he tried to double that on me. I told I am not going to pay any money for this, this is ridiculous. I called the the gentlemen where they were picking the safe up and the guy was basically lying to me, the whole time and I was very disgusted with it. The move was okay. The gentlemen who actually did the move were decent. They were suppossed to send three people, they were told minimum three people would picked up. It was heavy shift. They promised they would send two guys. I actually had helped them to move the safe out the truck into my house. The company is that joke. The movers were decent and the sales person was not and to actually having to help after i paid for a service, I wasn't happy with that at all. They original price was reasonable. He raised it and I agreed to the second time I agreed to it just because I wanted it to done in over with. He had quoted me probably $60-70 for the first then he up the price for me. Then he contacted me probably 7 or 8 times he got everything he could to double the price. I told them I am not paying this and I said I will call the police let them deal with this if that is how you wanna be. I would get these people off your list and I would never recommend them again. Read more

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