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How to Clean Your Shower

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After a long day of work, you want to go home and take a relaxing shower -- but alas your shower is dirty! Use these tips to clean your shower and keep it that way. 

Clean the shower head

You might think a quick wipe is all you need to get your shower head clean, but you'd be wrong. Hard water, soap scum, germs and bacteria can accumulate in your shower head and can contaminate the water. Try this for getting that shower head clean and bacteria-free.
  • If the shower head is spraying in all different directions, it's probably got a few clogged holes. Mix a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water, about 1 total cup of liquid, and pour it into a plastic bag.
  • Submerge the shower head into the plastic bag and secure it with a rubber band.
  • Allow it to soak for at least 20 minutes and up to an hour (longer if your shower head is really clogged).
  • Remove the bag, wipe away any loosened deposits and run the shower with hot water to flush out the holes. 

Shower walls and tiles 

The tiles in your shower are constantly bombarded with moist heat--which is a breeding ground for bacteria, mildew and mold.  Keep your shower a healthy and clean place by remembering this tip whenever you clean your shower.
  • Before cleaning with household tub and tile cleaners, make sure the window or door is open so you have enough ventilation.
  • Working in sections, spray the first section with the cleaner, covering both tub and tile. Give it a few minutes to penetrate before scrubbing.
  • While you wait for the first section to sink in, fill a cup with clean water and grab a non-scratch scrubbing sponge.
  • Now you can spray the second section and allow that to sink in while you wipe the first section.
  • Wipe down the first area and rinse the sponge between strokes.
  • When you're done wiping, rinse the first area with clean water.
  • Repeat with the other two sections. 
For tile grout spots, mix a solution of one part bleach to two parts water and put it in a spray bottle. Spray your grout lines and let them sit for a few minutes before turning the shower on to rinse. Any areas that weren't rinsed with the shower, just give them a good rinse with your cup. 

Shower doors and shower curtains 

Glass shower doors can accumulate soap scum quickly--staring through an inch of the gunk won't leave you feeling very relaxed during your shower.

  • If you invest in an inexpensive squeegee, you'll be able to reduce the amount of scum you have to scrub when it's cleaning time. After each shower, run the squeegee over your glass doors, rinse off the squeegee and exit the shower. These few seconds will save you time each week when it's time for a deep cleaning.
  • When it's time for a deep cleaning, vinegar is your best bet. It will cut through soap scum like a knife. Dip your sponge in warm white vinegar, coat the door and keep applying as the vinegar dries. You want to keep the door covered in wet vinegar for about five minutes and the film will melt away. Rinse door with water and you're done.
  • Remove your shower curtain from the shower rod and toss it into your washing machine with a towel or two to act as scrubbers. When the cycle is completed, allow it to air dry. Unless you want to spend an afternoon untangling your shower curtain, do not put it in your dryer. 

Mold and mildew 

Mold and mildew are actually the same thing -- mold is the fungus and mildew is the buildup of the fungus. Hydrogen peroxide kills it, no matter what you call it. Fill a spray bottle with hydrogen peroxide and spray it directly on any areas with mildew. No need to scrub the area, but if mold is still there after you wipe repeat the process. 

Ana M. Ferrer  Posted by Ana M. Ferrer on October 17, 2014

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