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Tips for Cooking Vegetarian Meals

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If you're new to vegetarianism, or are just in a veggie burger and mac-and-cheese filled rut, you may be looking for some new ideas to prepare delicious, unique and healthy meals without meat. Contrary to popular belief, becoming a vegetarian doesn't mean you have to lack important nutrients or sacrifice your taste buds. Read on to find out how to prepare healthy veggie meals you'll love to eat!

Get enough protein and vitamins

When becoming a vegetarian, it's imperative to get a sufficient amount of protein and essential vitamins. While meat and fish are major sources of protein, you can still consume healthy amounts with a plant-based diet.

Protein needs vary based on your size, gender, and activity level-further research and guidance from your doctor/dietician is necessary to make sure you are receiving the required amounts daily for good health.

Protein-rich vegetarian foods include:
  • Legumes. Beans, chickpeas, green peas, peanuts, and soybeans all fall under this category. Legumes are also important sources of fiber and iron, and low in fat.
  • Tofu. Made from fermented soybeans, tofu and tempeh are often used as meat substitutes in vegetarian dishes due to the firm, chewy texture that mimics the sensation of consuming meat. Tempeh has a higher protein and fiber content, as well as more vitamins than tofu due to its fermentation process.
  • Nuts. Though often avoided due to high fat and calories, nuts are a great source of protein and healthy fats in a vegetarian diet. Fat intake usually decreases drastically on a vegetarian diet, and nuts are an excellent source of the fat your body needs.
  • Eggs (not consumed on a vegan diet). Eggs are high in protein, and contain vitamin A, D, E and b12, zinc, iron and amino acids.
  • Dairy (not consumed on a vegan diet). Dairy products, while sometimes high in fat, can be a good source of protein. Greek yogurt is particularly high in protein per serving though low in fat and calories.

Make vegetarian versions

If you have favorite meat-laden dishes that you can't imagine never enjoying again, try to prepare them vegetarian! You can sub vegetables for meat in almost any dish, and there are endless recipes and ideas out there for you to try.

Some suggestions include:
  • Fill fajitas or burritos with grilled veggies (peppers, onions, zucchini, spinach, yellow squash, and eggplant) instead of beef or chicken
  • Grill large portabella mushrooms rather than beef burgers to enjoy on a bun with all your favorite toppings
  • Going vegan? Make potato or macaroni salads with olive oil and spices rather than mayo
  • Love lasagna? Layer the pasta with braised roasted tomatoes and eggplant instead of ground beef
  • Make sloppy Joe's, meatballs, chili or stuffed cabbage with tempeh, veggies, beans and rice instead of beef
  • Use sautéed, marinated tofu cubes in stir fry or with rice and veggies instead of meat, chicken or fish
  • Top meatless pizza with assorted grilled veggies and roasted garlic-if you're vegan, the creamy texture of the garlic is a great substitute for cheese

Buy a cookbook

If you are a new vegetarian, a recipe book may help you get started. Shop around for a beginner-friendly edition-many vegetarian cookbooks feature highly complicated recipes which require a seemingly endless list of ingredients. Check out online sources as well-there are a variety of helpful vegetarian cooking tutorial websites available which include recipes, tips, and meal ideas.

Prepare balanced meals

The best way to ensure your meal is satisfying, nutritious and enjoyable is to keep it balanced. Make sure each meal contains protein and fiber to keep you feeling full after you have finished. Adding a variety of vegetables to each dish will provide your body with essential vitamins and create an array of flavors to liven up your dish.

Spice it up

If you are not a big fan of many vegetables' tastes, switching to a vegetarian diet may leave you feeling underwhelmed. Make your dishes exciting by adding bold flavors, zesty spices, and exotic herbs. The right cocktail of seasonings can make the dullest dish pop with flavor. Do you love spicy foods? Experiment with chipotle, paprika, curry, and other spices that pack a punch. Prefer something sweet? Try adding basil, tarragon, or even cinnamon for caramelized vegetables.

Contrast flavors and textures

Craft multi-dimensional meals by combining contrasting flavors and textures. Mix sweet and spicy, firm and creamy. For example, portabella mushroom burger, which is firm and meaty in texture, would be perfectly complemented by a velvety yet pungent blue cheese topping. Add texture to soft and creamy risotto with crisp asparagus and chewy shitake mushrooms or tofu. Add nuts to pasta with slow roasted/braised/caramelized veggies to provide a chewy crunchiness to an otherwise silky dish.

Get creative

The best way to craft versatile, unique, and tasty vegetarian dishes? Be creative! Experiment with new things-such as veggies you have never tried, exotic spices and ethnic foods. Follow recipes, but add your own spin on the meals. Taste as you go along and find out what you like and don't like. Practice and experience makes perfect, and the more you cook vegetarian, the more delicious your meatless meals will be.

Nicole La Capria  Posted by Nicole La Capria on May 30, 2014

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