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Can you move a gazebo?

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Asked by Hope

January 2, 2014 under Others

Need to move a gazebo from Rochester ohio to alliance ohio

Answered by Robert Moreschi

January 6, 2014

Hi, thanks for visiting Movers.com! To answer your question, while we ca not directly assist you in moving your gazebo from Rochester, Ohio to Alliance, Ohio, we can set you up with moving companies in your area who can lend you a hand with your move. All you have to do is visit our website and click on the free quote form at the top of the page. After entering your relevant information like zip code and moving service, you'll be put in contact with up to seven different moving companies who will be eager to assist you with your relocation.

Moving a gazebo is a tough job to tackle and it's certainly a job that requires the help of moving professionals to ensure that your gazebo is moved safely and arrives at your destination intact. Here are some tips on how to prepare your gazebo for the move:

  • When you're planning and preparing for how to best move your gazebo, remember to take into consideration all of the factors that make large objects so difficult to move, like their weight, their size and their overall design. For example, a gazebo can sometimes weigh up to 1,000 pounds, depending on its size and build, as well as what kind of wood or other materials were used to construct it and, depending on how big the gazebo is, can sometimes be up to 10 feet in height, making it extremely difficult for just one or two people to be able to get enough leverage to attempt moving it on their own.

  • In addition to gathering help for the move, it also will benefit you greatly when the time of the move does come, to have a plan prepared in advance for how you'd like to move the gazebo and exactly where you would like it to be placed in your backyard when it arrives at your new home. Knowing where you're going to put it and in what position it will be placed in will help you streamline the process of moving it and you'll have all of the logistics squared away so that you can get everything in its proper position come the day of the move.
To get an estimate for your moving labor, you can submit your information in our quick and easy free moving quote form, or call us at 1-866-343-1243 to be connected to movers who can service your move.
Also, feel free to read through our extensive collection of moving guides to learn more about how you can prepare for the move, and if you're interested in just hiring some moving labor to get the job done, you can visit our moving labor page to get a free quote for your job.
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