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Do movers disassemble beds?

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Asked by Bryon

January 31, 2021 under Others

Do I have to disassemble my bed, or will movers take care of it?

Answered by Staff Writer

July 29, 2021

Yes, movers will disassemble your bed and any other furniture you would like. In fact, they may ask you to do that to make sure that the bed frames are able to get through the doorways without causing damage. This can save you some time and money.

However, you must remember that you may be charged for assembling or disassemble service because your furniture will take some time to take it apart. If it's a local move, which means you are moving within 100 miles of your location, you will be charged the normal rates based on how much time the movers take to get the job done. If it’s a long-distance move, i.e., you are moving more than 100 miles, you will be charged by the weight of the item. Make sure the items were secured and put together properly before loading them onto the truck. If the items were not put together properly, or there are any missing parts, the mover is not liable for this and they may ask you to sign in the document before the move.

Do I need to take my bed apart?

If you want to save some money and have enough time to prepare for your move, you can do the work yourself and get the job done. But if you have a large piece of furniture and looking for someone to help, you can hire movers to get the job done.

How do the movers disassemble my bed?

If you do have some furniture that needs to be taken apart before you move and reassembled once you get to the new home, then let the movers know ahead of time. They may ask you a few questions to ensure that they are prepared and can handle the furniture that you would like moved. This can also make sure you get an accurate budget for your move. Here’s how do movers disassemble your bed:

  • Remove the main bed frames?

Some bed frames will need to be disassembled. Movers will do it just right before the move, but if you want to do it yourself, carefully take this apart before the movers arrive.

  • Unscrew the headboard and footboard from the bed frame:

If you have a decorative headboard and footboard, unscrew them from the metal bed frame. This will vary according to the type of headboard/footboard you have. As you remove all the screws, nuts, and bolts, be sure to have a plastic bag on hand to drop the hardware into. Seal the bag shut and secure it to the headboard using tape or plastic wrap.

Your typical bed comes in different types like bunk beds and water beds) based on its size, shape, and space. If you have a bunk bed to move, separate the top and bottom bunks from each other by unscrewing the bolts holding the top part of the bed to the bottom. Make sure to have someone for help to hold the top bed while you work on separating them to prevent it from crashing down onto the bed below.

Should I hire a mover to disassemble my furniture?

Many people choose to disassemble their own furniture because it can save them money. If there is an item that is heavy to get apart on your own without causing any damage, then it is better to hire a mover to do the work for you.

Apart from taking apart your metal bedframe, movers can disassemble your large furniture items such as.

  • Large glass furniture?- Any piece of furniture with a large mirror or glass attached to it that can easily be removed and protected will likely be taken apart. If you have a China cabinet or glass coffee table which is made up of glass, it might be wrapped intact. If you’re unsure as to whether to take it apart or not, just wait until the movers arrive and they’ll be able to make the best decision based on a case-by-case basis.
  • Large dining room tables?- Regular-sized dining room tables may just be wrapped and protected as is. But, if you have a large, heavy dining room table, the movers will likely take off the legs and protect everything separately. This keeps the legs and dining room table from breaking during transit because it’s easier to load it in the truck if the legs are off.
  • Bookcases unit - If your bookcases have glass shelves or the shelves come right off by lifting them, the movers will likely remove the shelves and wrap them separately.

Important tip: Make sure you keep all screws and parts and place them in a sealable plastic bag and label them correctly.

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