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All My Sons of Boulder LLC
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All My Sons of Boulder LLC

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All My Sons of Boulder LLC
7180 West 117th Ave STE A
Broomfield, CO 80020 USA

Contact Info

Phone: 970-514-6938

Membership(s) & License Info.

Member of BBB: Yes
Year of Estd: 5/19/2015

Accuracy of Estimate
Moving Services
Packing Services
No Photo


April 15, 2022

Be warned. You will get scammed.

Be warned! There are multiple hidden charges. Pick any moving company except this one. They will rip you off. A 6.7 mile trip under 2 hours to just haul a desk, freezer, and a few bicycles was almost $600. They slipped in an extra hour of transportation time. So, you'll see "labor" as $149 higher than whatever you were quoted on the phone. Then they used about 3 wraps of plastic wrap to hold on a packing blanket over the freezer. That cost me another $64.70, and they didn't even ask me if I wanted the plastic wrap. Then they charge a 15% gas fee on top of that which equated to another $67.05 on top of everything else. I kinda thought the $10/gallon of gas was an egregious move. However, the insult was how they calculate the gas. It's not actually by distance. They calculate the gas by the labor and packing materials charge. I should have dug in deeper to reviews. If you look into Google or Facebook reviews or their Facebook page, you'll get a better picture of this company. The general consensus is that they are a scam. I can support that claim. So, do yourself a favor and go anywhere here. Read more

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