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B & B Forwarding, Inc.

B & B Forwarding, Inc. Non-Verified MoverNon-Verified Mover

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B & B Forwarding, Inc. Location


B & B Forwarding, Inc.
118 Eagle Ridge Dr
Midland City, AL 36350 USA

Contact Info

Phone: 334-983-3563
Fax: 334-983-5187

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April 26, 2016

Late delivery

My goods shipped out 5th of January Promised 20th of march. Due date came and went and my goods were not even in country on the Atlantic coast Was told it would take another 30 days to deliver, and to file an inconvenience claim. The inconvenience claim was an inconvenience to deal with still waiting on my household goods.

Origin : Manama, bahrain
Destination : san diego ca

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