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Castle Express Moving LLC
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Castle Express Moving LLC

(2) Reviews

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Castle Express Moving LLC
12 Storrs rd
Enfield, CT 06082 USA

Contact Info

Toll Free: 888-553-4503
Phone: 860-265-8614

Membership(s) & License Info.

Member of BBB: Yes
License Info: C-1768
Year of Estd: 12/28/2011

Accuracy of Estimate
Moving Services
Packing Services
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March 7, 2022

Great Experience. Fast and Professional

Our family has used Castle Express twice. Love the teams that come out. Even in the rain they kept moving and provided a successful move. Would definitely use them again!!!! Read more

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April 24, 2021

Joe carona refused to pay me for ...

Castle express moved my furnitures on 11/2/2020. Multiple damages were sustained. Moving coordinator joe carona was made aware of the damages. He also came out to put on a bedroom door his movers took off and did not put back on. He was shown the damages and he took pictures of what he choose to. He was insinuating that my damages were old . He got a company out of Springfield MA to repair the damages. When the owner contacted me he did let me know that joe is aware that he only does work in the enfield area for CT. Joe was to find a complete which he never did. I told him I will find a company. I found a reputable company and the owner charged a fee for coming out to assessed the furnitures. This company can detect if the damages are néw. or old and this was one of the reasons I choose this company. I notified joe regarding the charge for the assessment. Company came out and assessed all damages which total $2180.18 plus $372 for the assessment. Emailed all info to joe and penny . Joe claimed he never received the estimate. I emailed the estimate while talking with him on thd phone . He argued with me , informed me that he will only pay $300 for all my damages and hung up the phone d on me . Multiple calls made and emails send and they were all ignored . I have filed a case with the better business bureau. I have also contacted channel 3 news and awaiting a call back from channel 3 on your side. I am in the process of filing a lawsuit against this company for payments for damages done. My furnitures are Drexel heritage. I also purchased additional insurance and this bastard joe wants to only pay me $300 for damages. When I get done with this case the company will be left with no other choice but to fire him . He is racist and it if I was white my situation would have been handled differently. For my stress and suffering it will cost castle express moving more than the quoted price above Read more

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