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Compass Moving & Storage 4499 E 10th Court Hialeah, FL 33013 USA
Contact Info
Phone: 305-688-2511
Membership(s) & License Info.
Member of AMSA: YesLicense Info: IM # 206Year of Estd: 2/4/2006
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Don't Do It!
We've moved 21 times in 30 years for work, and have used professional movers for 19 of those moves. Hands down, WORST EXPERIENCE to date. The sales call went well (big surprise) where they sold me on their service and their approach of charging by the cubic foot rather than by the pound. A few days before the move there was the quality control phone call where their agent told me that everything sales had told me was basically wrong - but I shouldn't blame it on sales since they had never actually loaded a truck (and the quality control agent had.) He then told me that my price (cubic volume) would likely be about 20% more than I was previously quoted. I should have back away immediately, so shame on me for not listening to my gut instinct. On the day of the move the movers badly scratched the front door when moving one of the sofas out of the house. The front door is a "statement" door so the scratches stand out badly. The closing on the house is in two weeks and our realtor has told us that on final walk through the door will present an issue to the buyer on closing. When I called to complain, the quality control agent did not tell me Compass would make it right. Here's what the quality control agent at Compass told me: 1. It's not their fault - the movers are independent contractors 2. My quote "clearly" told me that they were independent contractors and I have no recourse against Compass. 3. I could take a $100 credit or file an insurance claim - my choice, end of their problem (the house is in New Jersey where, if you're familiar with the area, $100 wouldn't even cover the first hour of labor to have the door refinished and painted). When I told him I found it unacceptable, that I expected Compass to make it right before the closing and final walk through he got quite patronizing and compared this to a car accident asking me if I would expect the person who ran into my car to make it right or if I would expect to file an insurance claim and eventually be reimbursed. UNBELIEVABLE!! I've spent the last hour on the web researching Compass and have come across hundreds of reviews stating how horrible customer service is at Compass. Don't know why I didn't see them before, but if you're reading this and are thinking of using Compass please know those reviews are 100% on the money. Their customer service will be among the worst experiences you will ever have with a company. Read more
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