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Dodge Moving & Storage 13390 Lakefront Dr Saint Louis, MO 63045 USA
Contact Info
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Membership(s) & License Info.
Member of AMSA: YesMember of BBB: YesLicense Info: US DOT # 73351ICC MC # 15232Insurance: On file: $1,000,000Required: $750,000Year of Estd: 2/1/1961
Hours of Operation
Payment Options
Edna Brown's Moving Day 22
I contacted Dodge Moving and Storage based on a high recommendation from a coworker. The person I made initial contact with was so warm and understanding. She made me feel comfortable letting her do a virtual walk through of the home. She was very professional. I had trouble accessing the estimate but she swiftly assisted me. I received an email after I paid. With confirmation of the moving day and time. On moving day the men were timely and about there work. Unlike some movers .They did not stall. This move was very emotional for me since i had been in the house for 12 years. I had to leave and come back. When i returned much progress had been maid.They were quick but handled my things with care.Off and on they ask for my feedback and I felt they wanted me to be satisfied. Read more
Total Experience
Everything was handled very professionally. I was able to contact the Company with no problem and always received the help that I needed. The movers were very knowlegeable about moving different items of furniture, like glass cabinets, sofa beds, etc. I was very pleased with the entire experience. Read more
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