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Electronic Van Lines, L.L.C.

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Electronic Van Lines, L.L.C.

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Electronic Van Lines, L.L.C.
4340 US Highway 51 N
Memphis, TN 38127 USA

Contact Info

Phone: 901-255-3016
Fax: 901-202-3356

Membership(s) & License Info.

Member of AMSA: Yes
Is a ProMover ?: Yes
License Info: US DOT # 1031140
ICC MC # 251598
Agent for: Mayflower

Accuracy of Estimate
Moving Services
Packing Services
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July 13, 2021


What a parade of failures. From the unprofessional packing and handling to missing every delivery date! We packed up on 16 June, and to accommodate them had a pick up on June 22, 2021. As of July 14, we are still awaiting delivery. The move distance is 1100 miles. We have had 5 delivery dates scheduled and they have not yet made one of those. We have had quicker overseas moves than with this company. There is no communication, either by email or phone. The dispatchers can't tell us where the driver is or when he will arrive. For all we know, our gear has been taken off the truck and fenced. The customer service is absolutely the worst. RUN AWAY from this vendor, otherwise you are set up only for grief!!! Read more

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