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Empire Moving and Storage-NC
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Empire Moving and Storage-NC

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Empire Moving and Storage-NC
1631 Mid Town Place
Raleigh, NC 27609 USA

Contact Info

Toll Free: 984-328-3042
Phone: 984-328-3042
Fax: 984-328-3042

Membership(s) & License Info.

License Info: T-2900
Year of Estd: 8/28/2017

Accuracy of Estimate
Moving Services
Packing Services
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June 17, 2021

Don't Recommend

These movers were used based on their families info. We were planning our trip staying overnight and completing it the next day. We had a "walk through", which to me was rushed. They.packed the truck like they were supposed to be somewhere else. They arrived at 9 AM and called on several occasions complaining about the fact that I had "too much shit". They threw our boxes wherever they felt like and packed our apartment up plus a storage closet on the premises. Their blankets had holes in them and left pieces on the floor of our old place. They broke several of my items and said my Bissell Crosswave had "piss and shity " water in the tank. They never emptied it out and it spilled all over the place and ruined their blankets and shrink wrap. AND they threw my machine away (supposedly) and their blankets in a construction dumpster. When I tried to be reimbursed for the broken items, they said only if I replaced their materials. Never a contract drawn up or did I get a receipt from them as they said they would providr. My only proof is a canceled check and broken items. Adam is a "Yes Ma'am " person who lies thru his teeth. He verbally said my things were insured up to a million dollars yet after I asked for some money back, he said the insurance was extra but never told me about this beforehand. I bet he nearly broke his legs cashing his check though. GET THE QUOTE IN WRITING". I have watched enough tv to realize that yet I trusted him based on his wife's praises. Don't fall for his good looks and smooth talking. It's all BS. Don't trust them to move anything you want to keep. They threw away a perfectly good Crosswave Floor Cleaner when I never saw it. That's why I should have had a contract. Don't trust them! Don't use them!!! Read more

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