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Kwik But Careful Movers Of Omaha Inc
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Kwik But Careful Movers Of Omaha Inc

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Kwik But Careful Movers Of Omaha Inc
4433 S 134th St
Omaha, NE 68137 USA

Contact Info

Phone: 402-819-3535

Membership(s) & License Info.

Member of BBB: Yes
License Info: US DOT # 2293175
ICC MC # 786789
IM # 14169
Insurance: On file: $1,000,000
Required: $750,000
Year of Estd: 6/1/2012

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Moving Services
Packing Services
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August 16, 2022

Horrible Move

I am writing this so other may know of our utter disappointment in our move by All My Sons. This was supposed to be a 3 day move. Day 1 – pack and load, Day 2 – finish up Day 3 – drive. On the first day they showed up after 9 am. Even though we both had advised them we would need packing, well the crew acted like they had no idea about packing anything. They took an hour lunch and left at 4 pm. They carried out an antique sideboard (hutch) but didn’t look inside and on the way out the bottom fell out. Inside the hutch was my grandmother’s china and my wife’s grandmother’s china. Apparently, they picked it up and just threw it in a box. I called the Omaha office about this and they stated that anytime they move a dresser, hutch or cabinet they are supposed to look inside, that is great but they didn’t. They returned on the 2nd day once again after 0900. They finished packing up the trucks around noon and then much to our surprise and I think even the crew they were told to drive (it is a 3 hour drive each way). As they were getting ready to leave at 1245 one of the guys threw 2 globes not wrapped or anything into the back of a truck, yep it is busted. One was a vintage USSR black sea globe. Now that they changed the dates on us we had to scramble to find someone to let them in. It really messed up our plans, when I called again to ask why at this late time were they driving to today I was told our trucks don’t sit. Leave at 1245 wouldn’t get them there until 4 pm, probably 4 hours to unload makes 8 pm, then drive back it would be almost midnight, At the apartment building there are 2 sets of stairs. The one the used was at one end of the building and the better one to use is at the other end of the building. My sister told them several times that most (actually all) movers use the one set of stairs as it is straight up. Nope they did it the hard way. When bringing our stuff in they did not put it were we asked they just dumped it. Now it is getting late and the crew informed my sister that they are off the clock and were thinking about just leaving the stuff on the curb. REALLY Well, come to find out they basically did that to some extent. They piled everything up in our 2 parking spots in the underground garage. They commented about how heavy and big some of the pieces were. So, they left all the bigger items in the garage. Here is the funny thing – 7 young kids couldn’t get these items upstairs and into our apartment but I hired 2 middle aged guys that did it. OH YES I had to pay them for the job that All My Sons couldn’t do. They never marked any of the boxes that they did pack. So, no idea what is in any of the boxes • They put things that don’t go together in the same box • In our past moves they hung our clothes on a bar in the wardrobe box. Not your crew they just threw the clothes into the box. • Several of the boxes were half full or less. • They didn’t bubble wrap several items suc Read more

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May 1, 2017


They came and did what I wanted, no problem. The price was fair they were on time, all they did was move it down stairs so everything was fine. Read more

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June 27, 2016


Fine Read more

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