here you'll find all the moving reviews, ratings, complaints, and customer testimonials you'll ever need for Mooney Movers. If you have used this moving company in the past and you wish to share your moving experience, Write a review on Mooney Movers
Mooney Movers 5811 Midway Park Blvd, NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 USA
Contact Info
Phone: 505-342-1700Fax: 505-342-1779
Membership(s) & License Info.
Member of BBB: YesLicense Info: US DOT # 72029 ICC MC # 74681 Insurance: On file: $1,000,000Required: $750,000Year of Estd: 1/1/2002
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Efficient service delivered on time
We were very bored with our present lives so we decided to move in search of new adventures, and to chase new dreams. This company has been helpful in completing the first part of our adventure. The most important thing for us was the movers coming on time. They were very efficient and finished quickly. There was one thing that I didn't like, which was that one of the movers didn't show up and the company didn't inform us about it. Read more
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