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Pink Zebra Moving LLC
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Pink Zebra Moving LLC

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Pink Zebra Moving LLC
1625 E University Drive Suite 106
Auburn, AL 36830 USA

Contact Info

Toll Free: 833-678-7473
Phone: 334-833-1338

Membership(s) & License Info.

Member of AMSA: Yes
License Info: US DOT # 3541632
ICC MC # 1382241
Insurance: On file: $750,000
Required: $750,000
Year of Estd: 10/22/2020

Hours of Operation

Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Saturday 8:00-3:00 CST

Payment Options

Cash, Check and All Major Card

Accuracy of Estimate
Moving Services
Packing Services
No Photo


May 11, 2023


I have never felt with anything in my life.they told me it would take 5hours it took all day.they were a hour late .they told me 9 am and that they would have 3 men .he quoted me 5 hours but it shouldn’t take that long .the supposed owner came out before we moved telling me it was a local company and just on and on how great they were.”it took them 4 hours to move 25 to thirty boxes and 5 pieces of furniture.there was only 2 guys that came.it was absolutely the worst moving company.I caught one of them going through my things.I had a talk with them and told him you don’t do that.they tore the paint off my door.as we have been unpacking we are finding very precious things broke.a whole box of can goods all dented up.the items they broke I’m sorry and that was it.the supervisor came and I tried to tell him everything but he also first day on the job .there was no remorse for the thing they tore up and broke.I called to speak to the owner but he never called me back .the supervisor was nice the next day and apologized and painted the door .but I’m finding out how terrible these movers were. They are not local they live in Birmingham.false advertising.they charged us 850 dollars.the stuff that was broken 2,of the pieces I can’t replace .with the can goods ,broken frames,and the unrepeatable items you can’t put a price on those.plus the broke a suit case that was over 100 years old .they blamed it on being old when it was not broken at my house.the most unprofessional company.run me and my huband and our children could have easily moved everything in 3hours .I am so angry .I don’t think I should have had to pay anything after everything is said and done. Read more

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