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Precision Moving And Storage Inc

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Precision Moving And Storage Inc

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Precision Moving And Storage Inc
91-544 Awakumoku Street
Kapolei, HI 96707 USA

Contact Info

Phone: 808-485-2291
Fax: 808-485-2125

Membership(s) & License Info.

License Info: US DOT # 1323629

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Moving Services
Packing Services
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April 2, 2014

No contract with storage company and ...

They never gave me a contract at all. The only thing i have signed at all is the Bill of landing, which just lists the items being packed, moved and stored by those 2 movers. On the day the 2 movers came, they were talking story and not moving anything until i asked if I'm being charged from the time they arrived or until they start the actual moving, only then did they start working. I ended up being charged double the amount it was supposed to be. I had hard time trying to pay that off on top of the other fees adding on and rent increases. I could never get caught up and they would just keep adding to it with late fees and rent increases. I told them i want to come and take out some things that weigh a lot, like my brother's things,etc, since they charge the storage by weight and i wanted to bring down the cost so i could then get the back owed paid off. They first said it will cost me about 100. for the 2 movers to retrieve the creates and open them. Then they said they can't allow me access to my things until i am caught up with the amount owed. I said that i was taking out some things in order to bring down my cost and they said that they won't let me because i may take out all the good stuff and leave behind the rest and not pay the amount owed. I later asked them to send me a copy of my contract with them, knowing full well that i had never signed any with them. All they sent me was a copy of the Bill of landing. The Bill of landing is not a contract for storage with them. We have also found others with similar complaints with this company in other states. I'm currently seeking legal advice and filing complaints. Read more

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