How to Clean Your Home Without Using Chemicals

Author By: Ana M. Ferrer
Updated Date: July 19, 2013

Now that we are aware cleaning chemicals are both dangerous to our health and the environment, we must be more diligent when destroying dirt. With a little knowledge and some muscle, there is no reason why we can't leave our homes spot -free without harm. Take a moment to read this guide and find out some convenient chemical-free cleaning tips that will leave you and your home looking and feeling brand new.
  • Vanilla Extract It does not just add flavor. Vanilla extract is an excellent cleaning agent for the microwave. By combining one teaspoon of extract and two cups of water, you can remove radiated dirt from the almighty appliance you look to every day to heat up your food. Simply place the water and extract in a microwave-safe container and cook uncovered for five minutes. After, remove the container carefully and wipe down the walls with the warm, good-smelling liquid.
  • Cornstarch Instead of making your grandmother's to die for gravy with a bag of cornstarch, clean up that carpet stain and revamp your rug. Directly after a spill, cover the soiled area with cornstarch and let the substance sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Then thoroughly vacuum the area. The stain should have dissolved; however if not, repeat the process one more time.
  • Rubbing Alcohol You cherish the notion that your nieces and nephews wrote they love you with permanent-marker on your countertops; however you're sure the property manager will not find it so endearing. To save the sentiment, simply take a picture of it before you rub alcohol over it, which will immediately erase the writing from the finished surface or solid wood.
  • Ketchup and Bread Sound like ingredients for a good sandwich minus the meat. Aside from tasting really good, white bread can be used to dust an oil painting. To remove the dirt and dust from your favorite piece of artwork, gently rub a slice of white bread over the canvas, watching the fluffy flour pick up the tiniest of dirt. As for ketchup, the acidic substance successfully removes tarnish from copper and brass. By using a soft cloth and rubbing ketchup onto a fixture, you will bring out the surface's shine and transform the item back to its original color in just minutes. Rinse off the ketchup and wipe with a dry cloth to see your old fixture new.
  • Club Soda Mixed with the right liquor, the cocktail can be enjoyed among guests. But what about using the club soda to help you shine that stainless-steel sink covered in scuff marks? To clean the sink, buff it with a club soda -dampened cloth.
  • Vinegar Yes it is great on salad with some oil, but imagine using it to clean. From cleaning copper to soaking a shower head in order to remove mineral deposits, vinegar will get the job done. Not only can it deodorize your dishwasher, it can also help cut grease and grime stuck on pots. But the best way to use the liquid is to mix one part vinegar and one part hot water together in a spray bottle. After you tightly close the cap, squirt out the cleaner and use it on windows and glass!
  • Baking Soda Four cups of baking soda and one quart of water will work magic if you give it a chance. By dissolving the soda in the water after placing it in a spray bottle, you will have an instant cleaning solution to remove dirt from countertops in your kitchen and bathroom. If you run into a some unruly grime, simply pour some dry baking soda on the smudge and use the abrasiveness to clean off the dirt off.

Chemical-Free Cleaning Products

Now a movement, eco-cleaning has made millions aware of the dangers involved with harsh cleaning chemicals. Not only do you put your health in jeopardy with the liquids, you put the environment into harm's way. However, there is more than enough hope to turn things around. The noted substances and methods are just the tip on the green cleaning iceberg. For more information on cleaning your home without chemicals take some time to browse the Internet under subject categories chemical free cleaning, chemical free house cleaning, how to make chemical free cleaning products and chemical free cleaning products. Remember, green is the new black, ensuring future generations can enjoy the earth as we did during our youth.