HackBusters - Moving With a Cardboard Slide - Movers.com
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HackBusters - Moving With a Cardboard Slide

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Welcome back to the exclusive Movers.com web-series HackBusters! In every episode, we take a common or not-so-common moving hack, tip, or trick and put it to the test!

If the hack fails, we recommend a similar alternative to get the job done right. If however, the hack is a success, you might want to consider implementing it when moving time rolls around.

In our fifth episode, we explore whether turning your staircase into a cardboard slide can make it easier to transport awkward or heavy items. Is it the best idea ever or should moving be left to the professionals?

Creating a cardboard slide

Before making a cardboard slide, you should know how to actually construct one and use it safely.
  1. Collect thick, sturdy pieces of cardboard and cut them the width of your stairs.
  2. Starting from the bottom and working your way up, place each section of cardboard so it rests on top of your stairs, securely taping the pieces to each other and the sides of the staircase as you go.
  3. Once completed, perform a test run with a soft, inanimate object or empty boxes.
  4. Have someone at the top of the stairs to send the items down and someone at the bottom to collect your belongings.
  5. When sending items down, slide them slowly and make sure they are facing up.

Other uses

Once you are done, if the stairs are not too steep and there's plenty of room at the bottom, you and your family members can alleviate some of that stress by taking a trip down the cardboard slide yourselves.

We also highly recommend doing this once your move is complete as a creative way to temporarily recycle your cardboard.

HackBusters findings

So, what have we learned after testing this hack? When used wisely and cautiously, transporting items down a cardboard slide for a move definitely makes things easier than repeatedly walking up and down with tricky or heavy items.

However, if you don't want to worry about your stairs at all, you can always hire a professional team of movers to tackle the climb for you. To find movers in your area, simply fill out a free quote form to begin receiving no-cost moving estimates!

TIP: Avoid surprise or hidden fees by asking movers if they charge extra for stairs!

Have a moving hack, tip or trick you’d like us to try out for you? Send an email to moversteam [at] movers [dot] com outlining your idea and we may feature it on a future episode of HackBusters!

Cassandra Rose  Posted by Cassandra Rose on April 29, 2015

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