Is there a way to help defer a move?
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I’m on Disability, and need help packing. Is there a resource to help defer a move?

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Asked by Kim

August 18, 2018 under Moving Labor

Moving in the upcoming week. I am disabled and also have to move my 82 year old mother. We desperately need help getting belongings from our 2 bedroom condo, no stairs, to a local storage facility

Answered by Kelly Martini

August 29, 2018

Hello, and thank you for contacting with your question!

Accessible movers

When moving with a disability, you'll want to look for a professional company with specialized expertise. The moving crew should be trained in handling medical equipment and removing debris quickly to keep floors clear and safe. Tell the company ahead of time about any mobility or accessibility needs. For example, customers in wheelchairs might ask for certain items to be kept low and in reach.

Financial aid
Certain organizations support low-income moves for those with disabilities. The Administration for Community Living awards grants to the company who moves you. You might also want to contact your local religious organization. They can offer anything from money to physical labor to donated food or meals-on-wheels.

Benefits and services
If you already receive assistance from Social Security Disability insurance, contact their office to see if your benefits will change. Remember to report your change of address within 10 days. If you don't, you can be penalized monetarily and have your monthly sum lowered.

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