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Murray Transfer & Storage Co Inc.

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Murray Transfer & Storage Co Inc.

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Murray Transfer & Storage Co Inc.
462A Robeson Street
Fayetteville, NC 28301 USA

Contact Info

Toll Free: (910) 762-6684
Phone: 910-485-5329
Fax: N/A

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Agent for: Mayflower

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May 29, 2024


(Cant do estimates bc it was an army move.) If I could give these people a negative 5 star review I would. DO NOT GET A JOB PACKING SERVICEMEMBERS WHOLE LIVES!! If you hate your job and aren’t going to do the job correctly. My husband retired from Fort Bragg in December of 2023. We were given 10 days notice. We had to be out by December 29th. Yes I’m aware it’s right around Christmas,lol how do you think we felt? Ha But THE ARMY ASSIGNS people and times. That isn’t on me. . But not only were the people who packed our house rude,they rushed it all because AND I QUOTE “they wanted a long holiday weekend so they were going to get it all done in ONE DAY!! And plus they wouldn’t wanna miss their holiday party” When we were supposed to have 3 days for our 4 bed 3 bath 2 story home. Nice right? So not only did they literally take a full ass bag of trash from the trash can and put it in a box named “kitchen” (which I only caught bc we noticed a smell and HAD to open the taped up box… they ruined my grandmothers boots and jewelry box which can never be replaced bc she’s been gone since 2016 by putting said items under the trash bag full of TRASH,(labeled kitchen,I guess bc they literally got it out of my trash can in the kitchen,but due to their negligence while packing almost all of our things got to us completely ruined. I opened a box (also labeled kitchen bc they labeled 75% of every box as “kitchen” due to absolute laziness and incompetency. I’ll include photos of what things looked like as we began to unpack. They refused to pack my wood bc “I might make something out of it for profit” ??? What? However they packed an unopened can of Dr Pepper from a side table in with all of my daughters baby books including all photos we had of our stillborn. Guess what that box looked like when I received it? There’s so much more but I’ll stop now and recap with this. They packed a bag of trash with my grandmothers things ill never be able to replace,they put a freakin unopened can of SODA IN THE SAME BOX WITH THE ONLY THINGS WE HAVE LEFT OF MY STILLBORN CHILD!!!!! that’s no accident and I’m not quite sure how they went home and can sleep at night for that one esp after I repeatedly told them those were my most important items. Oh and I have as assured they actually WOULDNT pack those items so I could take them with us personally but by the time I looked for them everything was in boxes labeled kitchen I wasn’t allowed to open so I didn’t know where they were. This shit was INTENTIONAL NEGLIGENCE AND LAZINESS and I truly hope the army never hires them again to pack up peoples entire lives. yall are straight trash I can’t include the photos on this site but if you look at my review on google you can see Read more

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