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S & d Moving Co LLC

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S & d Moving Co LLC

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S & d Moving Co LLC
2185 Valentine Ave Suite 1d
Bronx, NY 10457 USA

Contact Info

Phone: 646-320-9128

Membership(s) & License Info.

License Info: US DOT # 2203973

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Moving Services
Packing Services
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July 28, 2015

Great company!

I move every few years, and this is by far the best moving experience I've had. Getting my quote was easy and was the best estimate around. It was a flat rate, so no gimmicks to try and get more money once the movers show up. Terrell, Anthony, and Carlos were fast and efficient, taking great care wrapping my items but not wasting any time. These guys took 420lb piano up some difficult terrain to get it into my new house, and I was amazed that not only could they do it, they did it without leaving a scratch. Despite the difficult task, all three of them were personable, friendly, and very professional. I wish I'd hired them to move my entire house instead of just part of it. Read more

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