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Waterproofing Your Basement

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A dry basement is essential if you want to prevent problems like damage to your foundation, mold, mildew, and other issues. This, in turn, prevents asthma, bad basement smells, and whatever items you keep down there from getting water damage. There are many, many ways to keep moisture out of your basement. This article will look at a number of them.
  • Look for any leaks: windows, pipes, or cracks in the wall. Take care of these first.
  • Using water-resistant paint on the walls of your basement will keep moisture from getting inside. Make sure you use high-quality stuff, or you may as well not have put anything on there at all. Also, make sure you are painting when the walls are dry, otherwise, the paint won't bond.

  • There are also interior sealants that you can spray on the walls and floors. These are clear, chemically based compounds that can handle mild-to-moderate condensation issues.

  • Dehumidifiers can work wonders. Just remember that you would have to empty them periodically and get ones large enough to handle the size and wetness of your basement.

  • Make sure that outside water flows away from your house. If you don't have gutters and drains installed, take care of that. The slope of the property around your house might be directing water into your basement as well. The ground in front of your basement should be 20 inches higher than the highest point in your yard.

  • Window wells installed outside and over your basement windows can play a significant role in keeping it dry down there. They keep rain from coming in.

  • If you have bathrooms or a washer and dryer in your basement, be sure that their vents lead outside.

  • Avoid drying your clothes in the basement whenever possible.
  • Insulate your pipes to keep them from dripping condensation.
  • If you have a brick foundation, put some air bricks in (they have holes in them) to get an airflow working.

  • Have an exhaust fan installed to cycle out bad, moist air.
There are still other ways to waterproof your basement and get rid of moisture, and, if you are really concerned, you can always contact a professional to check everything out. It is, after all, the foundation to your home that is at issue here. And that is not an issue to be taken lightly!

Adam Mandelbaum  Posted by Adam Mandelbaum on January 7, 2013

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