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Do movers unmount TV?

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Asked by Justin

December 24, 2020 under Others

Provides the steps to unmount your tv and make it ready for the move.

Answered by Staff Writer

December 8, 2021

movers disassemble tv If you are worried about moving your TV to your new house, you may consider hiring professional movers. A moving company can be the best choice, when you need unmount a tv and transport it to the new location.

Do Movers Unmount TVs?

Professional movers are highly organized people who will unmount your TV and move it to your new home along with other items.

Nothing is more annoying than setting up an entertainment system, where ultimately you will realize that hardware and cords are missing. Movers are trained to pack up everything together, connect the cords, and mark items. This will help you to find these components easily and keep them bagged, as you might not want to lose any pieces.

How to Unmount a TV?

While you can do it yourself, it can be difficult, especially without proper training. It is not a bad idea to hire experienced movers, as you don't want to make any mistake on a moving day.

A wall mount is made of two components that are integrated. Occasionally, they are protected by a lock system. You can detach these parts, lift the tv and move it easily.

How to Unmount TV from Wall Bracket?

  • Detach all cords from the TV - Take out the power cable and other attachments from a wall bracket. Make sure all the cords are unplugged to make it easier to move your TV.
  • Open the safety locks - Keep the manual handy and look for any indications of a lock on the mount. You might have either a special key that comes in a bundle or slide bars that you can unlock using your fingers.
  • Pick up from the base of the tv - Hold the tv from the sides and attempt to tilt the base forward. A tv is fixed to the top of the mount, so it will not tumble over you. Also, the backside of the tv can be easily reachable by your hands. Avoid making pressure on the tv to protrude.
  • If your tv is not moving, it more than likely has a safety lock or it is clasped by screws.
  • Find the screws - Since the base of tv is inclined forward, it would be easy to identify the screws. In case you find strings hanging from the side of the mount, you might need a screwdriver to detach it.

Tip: You may use the installation guide for tv mount and reverse the given steps to unmount the tv from the wall.

  • Unpin the mount pieces - You can make use of a flexible screwdriver because every tv uses different kinds of screws. You may ask someone to hold the tv, while they detach the mount pieces.
  • Pull the strings - A mount with strings comes with a spring lock. As you take out the strings, you might hear the disengaging lock.
  • Delicately remove the tv from the wall bracket - You need to ensure that the lock does not make the disengaging sound. It is a good idea to hire professional movers, who will complete the task with utmost care.
  • Drive the tv off the mount - You can count from one to three and elevate the tv up the mount. Once it comes out, you can easily keep it balanced on the ground.
  • Keep the tv horizontal - Space out a tidy and cushioned surface, where you can keep your tv.
  • Remove the mount pieces on the tv - Irrespective of the size of the tv mount, you need to detach four screws from it.
  • Unfix the mount parts from the wall - You can remove the screws as you did for the other part of the mount and skid it off the wall.

Proficient movers exercise extra caution while they move mounted televisions. Hiring them seems a great idea if you want to make a move, without incurring any big loss.

Big flat screen tv can be burden some because of their size. Experienced movers are acquainted with handling oversized items, which might also include jumbo-sized tv. Adequate packing will ensure that your screen or other sensitive parts don't get scratched. Loading the tv on the cargo van also needs attention, which is best given by professional movers.

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