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How to Create Bumpers to Cushion Your Belongings

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When packing your belongings for your move, you want to be sure that they will be in the same good condition when you unload them in your new home. There are several things you can do to protect your goods during transport and prevent any moving-related damage. One of the best ways to do this is by creating bumpers.

Creating bumpers to cushion your belongings

Bumpers are rolls of newspaper used to cushion and protect your belongings. The purpose of the bumper is to properly secure, support and protect your belongings when they are packed away in cardboard boxes. This is especially useful for your valuable and fragile items.

You can find unprinted newspaper by the ream either online or at any packing supply store. Using printed newspaper works too -- if you don't mind the risk of ink transfer to the items you are cushioning.

How to create and use bumpers when packing

Once you have your newspaper laid out on a table, you can start constructing your bumpers. Here's how to create bumpers as cushions and place them in your moving boxes:

  1. Take two pieces of the newspaper and loosely crumple them up
  2. Take another piece of paper and wrap up the two crumpled pieces into a cylindrical shape
  3. Use heavy-duty clear tape to bind and hold the two pieces of newspaper together in that shape
  4. Begin loading your boxes by covering the bottom with a layer of bumpers
  5. When the bottom is sufficiently padded to your needs, place your items on top of the bumpers
  6. When your box is fully packed, top it off with another layer of bumpers to protect and cushion your items when stacking
  7. There shouldn't be any open space between the bumpers and the top of the box.

TIP: As you put your goods into the box, you can fill in any holes or open corners with a crumpled up piece of newspaper. If you find a large gap between your items, you can also stuff a bumper inside.

Additional tips when packing your boxes with bumpers

  • Before sealing the box, press down on the top to ensure that the entire box is well supported. If there is any give, simply add more bumpers. If the box is not properly supported, it could potentially collapse from the weight of a box placed on top of it.
  • When the box is packed, you should then lift it up and lightly shake it to be sure that all of its items are secure. If things are loose, you can just put in some more bumpers or crumpled up pieces of newsprint.
  • By lifting the box you can also see if it will be too heavy for you or your movers to lift. If this is the case, you can always remove some items and place them in another box.
  • Place thin items, like dishes and picture frames, vertically and in the opposite direction of the bumpers. This method will prevent such items from slipping into the cracks between your bumpers and being broken during a rough move.

Once you are sure that everything is securely cushioned and packed with your bumpers, seal the box up by placing three strips of tape across the top. After the box is sealed, label it according to what room it will be going to in your new home. Remember to clearly label the box on the sides and the top.

Tip: If your box contains fragile and delicate items, label it as TLO (Top Load Only). This way, you and your movers will know that nothing should be stacked on top of it.

Adam Mandelbaum  Posted by Adam Mandelbaum on November 30, 2018

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