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How Much Does Auto Transport Cost?

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Asked by Admin

April 9, 2013 under Auto Transport

Answered by Staff Writer

April 16, 2013

Most times we travel in our car, however there is the rare occasion our automobile must take a trip itself. Auto transportation is most common when relocating to another state or country. The cost of moving your vehicle from one vicinity to another varies greatly, with many factors playing into the final cost.

Types of Transport

The first factor in determining the cost of carrying your car from one place to the next is the types of transport. Of course the cheapest way to get your car from point A to point B is to drive it yourself. However, when that is not an option you can look into train transport, cargo shipping or auto carrier companies. Each method will differ considerably in cost and time, but are all viable resources to mull over when you have to move your car.


Mileage is mileage anyway you look at it. That is why distance is one of the greatest determents in car transport costs. The further you ship your vehicle, the more money it will cost. As the price of gas goes up, so will the price of auto transportation, making the present economy a cost establishment.

Make and Model

As with distance, the make and model of your car will also determine the final charge of transport. Transferring a high-value, vintage vehicle or pricey, new sports car will inevitably be more than transporting an older, less expensive car. Property damage or other problems during transfer will affect the final cost and should always be considered when transporting a car.

Asking as many auto transport questions to any area auto shipper you choose is the best way to find out the final cost of shipping. With all things considered, shipping car costs will always vary.

To get free quotes for moving companies while finding out about auto transport costs, visit for relocation fees. After getting your belongings and car to your new residence, please take a moment to fill out a moving review to let us know how your experience was.

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