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Is moving stressful on a relationship?

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Asked by Lala

December 12, 2020 under Others

Here we will identify a few facts which make moving stressful in a relationship.

Answered by Staff Writer

January 25, 2022

moving couple stressMoving can create an emotional toll on your life. If you have planned a move, be prepared to protect your relationship. Yes, you got it right, moving house can drastically affect your relationships, it can even lead to a divorce.

As per a survey conducted by OnePoll among 1000 Americans, 45% of the participants said moving was the most stressful periods of their life. The other 44% of the participants revealed that moving led to break-ups in their relationships or even divorce.

A common side-effect of moving stress is that is going to kill your relationship causing various challenges in your life. Here we will explore a few factors which will help us understand how moving stress highlights mistakes in your relationships.

Is moving stressful on the relationship?

Do you have problems in trusting your spouse that they will complete a given task on time? Does your spouse blame you, regardless of whether you were involved or not? Making a move, mostly interstate or long distance, can make life stressful for all individuals involved.

All the physical tasks of packing and moving that you and your spouse will perform, the emotional turmoil you will experience while bidding bye to your old house or preparing for a new one, can make both of you howl at each other.

3 Relationship problems that can emerge from moving

  1. Frequent fights- You may often enter an argument with your spouse, either at the time of planning your move or after moving house.
  2. Detachment- If you have planned to make a move, you will have a big project in hand to do. But if only one of you is involved in it and the other is not, you may feel disconnected from each other. In a few cases, one partner might need to move before the other, because of their new job, which can cause detachment.
  3. Loneliness- Loneliness is different from disconnection. This happens more often with the kids as well as those who don't have an accustomed job. Also, if you’re moving for the sake of a person’s career, it can lead to frustration and anger.

3 ways to prepare for a move and reduce stress in relationships

Here we have a few ways that will help you keep calm and enjoy a healthy relationship during the move.

  1. Be psychologically prepared- If you have kids consider speaking to them about the move because they will have to go to a new school and make new friends. This can make life hard for children and it would be difficult for you to handle their tantrums. But if both of you are happy with the change in location, the move might not seem that stressful for you.
  2. Prepare for the move- If you are moving for the first time, consider arranging sufficient moving boxes to pack your items. Also, you should consider buying these boxes in advance, otherwise you will be frustrated while packing your items. Don’t forget to label your boxes as this would make unpacking easier for you, and you will know where to place each of the moving boxes. You may give away items you don’t need any more such as baby clothes. We recommend you keep a friend or relative ready as you might have a lot of items to move.
  3. Be ready for the change- You should have the right attitude and try to accept the changes which you would experience after you move to a new location.

How to improve relationships during a move?

  • Find time to discuss and plan- Consider sitting down together along with your kids and plan the moving process.
  • Fix a date night or family time- To overcome the feeling of isolation, you can plan a date night with your spouse over a wine bottle while packing your boxes. If you have kids, you can plan a family time ordering pizza and cleaning your house in that process.
  • Discover the new area- You can explore the new locality before you make your move and do it virtually if the distance doesn’t permit it physically. You can search through the nearby shops and restaurants or other landmarks. Also, if you have kids, you can take them on a tour of their new school.

Moving is a tough job that can make you feel over exhausted. You can opt for professional counseling if you can't bear the stress. Also, it seems a good idea to hire full-service movers if you can afford it, which can reduce your stress to a great extent.

By doing so, you can take time out for your spouse as well as kids and save your relationship. Talk to our experts at, who can guide you through the process efficiently.

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