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How to pack a coo-coo clock?

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February 7, 2013 under Moving Companies

Answered by Jenna Farmer

April 12, 2013

Whether your beloved cuckoo clock epitomizes your childhood memories in your grandmother's house, or whether you're an avid antiques collector, one thing is for certain: you want your timepiece to get to your new residence unscathed regardless if your moving service takes it, you ship it, or you personally bring it. Cuckoo clocks are unique collectibles, with ornate detail and intricate mechanical workings that make each one vary and hard to decide what is the right way to pack each one.

Below is a list of 10 easy steps to help you make sure your clock gets to your new home in pristine condition, and most importantly, working properly.

  1. Remove the weights and pendulum from the clock. The weights are typically in a pinecone shape in most cuckoo clocks. Set them aside for packing later.
  2. Carefully remove all pieces that come apart from the clock. Some have detachable flares or decorative parts at the top of the clock. Set these pieces aside, also to be packed later.
  3. Make sure the cuckoo clock's door stays closed. Some clocks already have a metal clasp on the door; however some may not. You can use a small piece of tape to secure the door (if you're worried about stubborn tape residue, try painters tape instead of masking tape).
  4. Secure weight chains. You can feed a thin piece of wire (which you can find at your local craft store) through the top of the chain links, then place the chains into a small paper bag. Fold the paper bag tightly and close to the bottom of the clock, and then fasten the piece of wire around the bag. Twist the wire to secure the bundle.
  5. Place bellow clips back on bellows. The bellows are located in the interior of the clock (by carefully removing the backing of the clock, typically secured with clips), and come with bellow clips upon purchase. If you've misplaced these clips, you can order replacements for a small fee.
  6. Bubble wrap extruding parts. You can also use a soft lightweight paper, but you'll end up using quite a bit of it to keep the edges protected. Bubble wrap entire clock after the extruding parts and edges, then tape it shut.
  7. Place wrapped clock into a small cardboard packing box. Wrap weights and pendulum in bubble wrap in the same fashion as the clock, and place carefully on top of the clock (weights should go on the top corners of the clock to hold it more securely in place during transit). Seal small box with packing tape.
  8. Have another larger cardboard packing box on hand, with about three inches of space on all four sides of the clock (when the clock is placed in the center of the box). Pad this box with a layer of packing paper (or newspaper), then place the packed clock inside.
  9. Add packing peanuts. This will give additional protection to the clock. Gently shake the box to let the peanuts settle around the edges, then add another layer of packing paper on top of the clock. You can add more peanuts to the top of the layer of packing paper if you choose, depending on how much space you have between the box top and packing paper. Gently shake the box again to ensure minimal to no movement inside.
  10. Close and seal the box. Use a few layers of packing tape to seal the box – don't forget about the edges of the box. Use a permanent marker to mark the box as fragile.

For additional information on packing, check out some of our packing guides for tips on how to pack other household items like picture frames and mirrors and knickknacks

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